Lighting and Processing


6 month training on lighting and processing

Starts April


So 80% of photographers around just like photography as a hobby or even doing it part time, these people still have a high level of interest in taking great images but can struggle with various lighting conditions, this could be in studio, using flash, shooting in bright sunlight of even at night. Then it comes to processing and finishing the image, how do you retouch the skin to look real? how do I boost my colours?  Well this 6 month training is here to cover all you need to know.


Topics that will be covered...              


Complete studio lighting (Families, pets, models, posing, products plus much more)

Location lighting (Looking for the light, choosing location getting exposures)

Off Camera Flash lighting (Being creative with flash, mixing ambient with natural light)

Gel Lighting (Working with Gel's on both location and in studio)

Evening and night lighting (Finding the available light and using flash to be creative)

Processing of the images (Finishing the images, what I do day to day in my processing)




All these workshops are practical and most are a full day's training. Between each workshop task will be set for you so I can see what eveyone has learnt, a facebook private group is created for any questions and you may also post images for me to look at and give direction. I'm also at the other end of the phone for advice. 






